Why choose custom cabinets from Crystal over a local shop?
Why choose custom cabinets from Crystal over a local shop?

When you choose Crystal cabinetry, two things stand out: the beautiful, resilient finish and the detailed, solid construction of every cabinet. From shaping each piece of moulding, to the finishing touches on cabinet doors and assembling each box, our state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, along with our skilled and dedicated craftspeople, build durable, long-lasting, furniture-quality cabinetry.

Why choose custom cabinets from Crystal over a local shop?
Many people are under the impression that custom cabinets have to come from a local shop. Some believe local shops have more custom capabilities than a manufacturer like Crystal.
What if we told you that Crystal started as a small local shop, but have grown and expanded over our 70+ years in business? Today, our knowledge and experience has positioned us as an industry leader in custom cabinetry.
Here we compare the two, side by side, so you can see the differences.
Finish Quality
Quality and resilient finishes start with meticulous sanding and end with proper curing.
Crystal Cabinets
A combination of state-of-the-art sanding machines along with hand sanding techniques create the smoothest possible surface to apply finishes.
We work directly with the largest suppliers of furniture finishes in the industry, using only the best paints and stains.
Finishes are applied in controlled environments using automated sprayers for consistent coverage.
The final step to an excellent finish is the curing. We use an oven-curing process to produce a durable and ultrasmooth finish.
Local Shop
Local shops are usually smaller operations, building cabinets in a garage or single room. The smaller operations often entails sanding and finishing done in the same space. Some local shops even finish on the construction site. Neither method offers a controlled environment for applying a finish.
Generally, sanding and finishing are hand processes. Sanding with an orbital sander and finishing with hand sprayers which can create inconsistent quality.
Finishes are mostly left out to air dry, making them less durable. An additional consequnce is dust in the air can get into the finish compromising the quality.
Crystal Cabinets
Years of experience, knowledge, and specialized equipment allow Crystal to produce true custom cabinets.
Cabinets can be designed and crafted as seamless furniture pieces. We call these seamless pieces, “combined cabinets.”
We produce virtually all of our doors, drawers, and mouldings in thousands of standard combinations of woods, colors, and styles.
In addition to our standard offerings, we custom match finishes, doors, and mouldings.
Local Shop
In most cases, local shops do not have the equipment or knowledge to produce true custom cabinetry.
Local shops may be able to construct the cabinet boxes on a job site but many buy cabinet parts from large manufacturers. Cabinet doors are the most common part sourced from a manufacturer and put onto the local shop’s cabinet box.
Buying product this way limits shops to the quality and offering of the various manufacturers.
Customization and Offerings
True customization is the capability to design and produce all styles and shapes.
Material Quality
High grade materials, inspections and moisture control are critical to cabinet quality.
Crystal Cabinets
Much like our construction and manufacturing methods, the materials used by Crystal are the best in the cabinet industry. We take pride in our high-grade materials that are American-made.
Our purchasing department has access to the finest materials direct from the mills. The quality is inspected when materials arrive, and lumber is measured for moisture content before it is received.
Local Shop
Shops use more multipurpose materials which are often lower grade. They do this because of local availability and cost.
Sometimes, even purchasing material off the shelf from big box stores like Lowes and Home Depot. Generally, these stores do not have quality inspections or humidity checks.
Crystal Cabinets
Committed to backing your investment with a lifetime warranty and being in business for 70+ years means we are here for the long haul.
Crystal has a dedicated department should you need additional parts. We use an expedited process without having to wait for the shop to stop producing their next job and address yours.
Maintaining consistency of material and finishes help us produce matching replacement parts when required.
Local Shop
Many shops do not have a formal warranty. What warranty does the shop have and how long have they been in business?
With the threat of small shops going out of business, are you comfortable knowing they may not be around in a few years if you have a problem?
Replacement parts can sometimes be put on hold while they complete other customers jobs.
Quality cabinetry should come with a peace of mind.
Proper layout, storage and proportions are all critical parts of design.
Crystal Cabinets
We utilize the talents of many of the nation’s best designers. These designers have the experience and education to create spaces specific to your style and needs.
The combination of the designer’s expertise and Crystal’s industry resources makes for virtually limitless design possibilities.
To talk with an expert designer and see samples in your area click here and for design inspiration click here!
Local Shop
Most local shops have minimal experience and training in design capability. They are relying on resources like their last job or a photo to build your kitchen.
In addition, the local shop doesn’t typically have an array of displays and samples for you to review styles.
If they offer brochures or have a website, they generally show limited looks and designs.

limited lifetime warranty
We are confident in our craftsmanship, materials, construction and finishes, that we stand behind our products with a Limited Lifetime Warranty.